
5 home remedies to prevent kidney stones

March 21, 2022(Anuradha Kapoor)

In India, Kidney stones are a prevalent health issue and they can be excruciatingly painful. Kidney stones, also known as renal stones or nephrolithiasis are made up of hard, solid waste products that accumulate in the kidneys and crystallise.

Even though little kidney stones may not pose a significant health risk, larger stones can cause pain, vomiting, and indigestion, and can only be treated by surgery.

However, you can avoid kidney stones by using the following home remedies:

· Increase water and fluid intake: When patients are diagnosed with kidney stones, doctors strongly advise them to drink more water and fluids. Diluting the stone-forming chemicals with fluids such as water, juice, vegetable broth, lemon water, and other liquids is beneficial. It is then excreted from the body through urine.

· Boost citric acid intake: In addition to drinks, one should increase citric acid intake in their diet. Citric acids are abundant in fruits such as oranges, lemons, tomatoes, grapes, and other citrus fruits, which not only aid to avoid stone development but also to restrict the enlargement of existing stone.

· Increase your calcium and magnesium intake: Calcium and magnesium are two more minerals that can help you avoid kidney stones. Calcium is found in dairy milk products such as milk, cheese, curd, and yoghurt. Magnesium is also abundant in avocados, beans, and tofu.

· Limit salt intake: Too much salt can cause kidney stones to grow larger, therefore it’s best to keep it to a minimum in your daily meals. Salt, which is heavy in sodium, prevents calcium from being absorbed by the body, which can contribute to stone formation.

· Limit your Vitamin C intake: After salt, you should limit your Vitamin C intake in your meals. Avoid taking Vitamin C pills if you have a tendency of doing so. It has been demonstrated that persons who use Vitamin C supplements have a higher risk of kidney stones than those who do not. Also, foods high in vitamin C, such as lemons and oranges, do not enhance the risk of stone formation.