Tips to keep in mind during the first trimester of pregnancy

April 20,2022.(Anuradha Kapoor)

Start with a balanced and healthy diet and regular exercise, especially if you’re experiencing nausea in the first trimester.

The most common question women have is when the first trimester begins. According to gynaecology, the first trimester begins at the beginning of your pregnancy and continues until you are 13 weeks and six days pregnant.

This article will assist you in dealing with the physical and mental demands that arise towards the beginning of your pregnancy.

Our to-do list will guide you through your first trimester and help you prepare for a happy and healthy pregnancy:


• Make an appointment with your gynaecologist as soon as you find out you’re pregnant and schedule a monthly check-up.

• Take a supplement – Begin taking a baby-protecting supplement. The trimester is even prescribed by your doctor.

• Check your meds – If you are on any drugs, speak with your doctor before proceeding.

• Limit caffeine intake – More than two cups of coffee, according to doctors, might cause miscarriage, so don’t go over this limit.

• It’s time to quit smoking—Smoking is bad for a baby’s growth, so quit right away.

• Quit drinking—Just as quitting smoking is bad for you and your kid, quitting drinking is probably bad for both of you.


• A nutritious diet- A well-balanced diet ensures that you and your baby receive all of the nutrients you require. From now on, make excellent eating habits a priority.

• Get some rest- Because these are critical months, strive to get adequate rest.

• Learn more about pregnancy by reading books, using the internet, or enrolling in coaching programmes.

• Exercise- Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to laze around all day. Yoga is extremely beneficial to pregnant ladies. Participate in yoga lessons.

• Perform household activities safely – Household duties can be performed safely. Holding heavy objects is dangerous for both you and your baby.

• Involve your partner – Spend time with your significant other. Take a long drive or go out to supper. If you’re in the mood and your pregnancy isn’t complicated, you can engage in sexual activity.

• Schedule a salon appointment – Schedule a salon appointment once a month to indulge yourself.

• Monitor your baby’s development to avoid any issues.

• Begin making preparations for your baby’s birth, such as clothing buying, room decor, and name recommendations.