
Here’s how adults can increase haemoglobin level

Here’s how adults can increase haemoglobin level

May 14,2022. (Anuradha Kapoor)

Haemoglobin is an iron-rich protein found in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

For your body to function effectively, medical experts recommend maintaining normal haemoglobin levels in your blood, which are 14 to 18 g/dl for men and 12 to 16 g/dl for women.

Haemoglobin is an immensely critical protein that is necessary for living a healthy life and can have serious health consequences if it falls below a certain level.


The level of haemoglobin decreases results in the following symptoms:

· Aching in the head

· A person with yellow skin

· Deficiencies

· A feeling of being out of breath

· Quite perplexing

· Nails that are brittle

· Lacking in hunger

· Even if this amount exceeds one’s imagination, a person should seek medical advice immediately since it can lead to anemia, which is characterized by a shortage of iron.


A diet that can boost your haemoglobin levels in a matter of weeks:

B-complex vitamins are thought to help the body create red blood cells, and a lack of folic acid results in low haemoglobin levels. Leafy vegetables, beetroot, dry beans, bananas, and sprouts are some of the things you can eat.

Vitamin C-rich foods, such as lemons, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, and papaya, enhance blood flow in the body.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is a popular adage used by parents to emphasize the significance of eating apples for good health. It helps to maintain a normal haemoglobin level since it contains a lot of iron, which is necessary for a healthy haemoglobin count. You can consume an apple in one of two ways: eat one every day or prepare apple juice with beetroot for more beneficial effects.

Caffeine, tea, beer, and energy drinks are examples of foods that do not contribute to the formation of blood cells. A person with a low haemoglobin level should avoid the above drinks since they can be harmful to their health.

· Apart from changing your nutrition, you should also make some behavioural adjustments, such as:

Exercise – Your body needs to engage in some physical exercise each day to maintain haemoglobin levels.

Keep stress at bay- The more tension you have, the more your blood pressure will fluctuate. So, at the very least, avoid tension about little or irrational matters.

Positive environment: If you believe your surroundings are giving you bad vibes, you should immediately shift your company.