
COVID -19 cases increasing in Chandigarh: Chandigarh administration issues fresh advisory helpline number for people

COVID -19 cases increasing in Chandigarh:
Chandigarh administration issues fresh advisory helpline number for people

14 june, 2022:(Avaj Apki News)

Chandigarh administration issued a fresh advisory listing several Do’s and Don’ts for the people to prevent the spread of corona virus infection. It also issued a COVID-19 helpline number for people to call if they feel any signs and symptoms related to the disease.

Amid a surge in corona virus cases ,on Monday, the Chandigarh administration issued a fresh advisory ,asking people to strictly adhere to COVID -19 appropriate behaviour at all public places.

In the advisory, the administration listed several Do’s and Don’ts for the people to prevent the spread of infection. It also issued a COVID-19 helpline number for people to call if they feel any signs and symptoms related to the disease.

Here are Do’s and Don’ts advised by the Chandigarh administration:

> Always wear a mask in public places to cover the mouth and nose

> Cover nose and mouth with a handkerchief/tissue while sneezing and coughing

> Avoid close contact settings ,crowds and closed spaces


> Throw used tissue into closed bins immediately afetr use


> Practice frequent hand washing . Wash hands with soap or use alcohol-based hand rub. Wash hands even if they are visibly clean.

> Must maintain social distance (minimum one metre) in public places

> Avoid unnecessary travel.

> See a doctor if one feels unwell (fever difficulty in breathing and cough
while visiting the doctor ,wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose.

> If you have these signs, please call COVID helpline numbers :1075 or 9779558282

> All residents are advised to get the booster dose of the COVID vaccine and get their children vaccinated too.

> Avoid close contact with anyone, if one experiences cough and fever.

> Aviod touching eyes, nose and mouth with hands

> Do not spit in public places