
Robotic Surgery: At Fortis Mohali Most advanced treatment for complex diseases of urology, gynaecology, gastro & cancer

 Robotic Surgery ensures less blood loss, less pain, less scarring, better clinical outcome compared to conventional surgery and faster recovery process —

Shimla, July 29,2022: ( AVAJ APKI NEWS )

The Robotic Surgery team at Fortis Hospital Mohali has revolutionized treatment of various complex diseases in Urology, Cancer, Gynaecology, Head &Neck; and Gastroenterology through the world’s most advanced 4th Generation Robot – Da Vinci Xi.Theteam of doctors from a wide spectrum of specialties hassuccessfully performed more than 300 complex robotic surgeries at Fortis Mohali.

Robotic Surgery has been established as the gold standard treatment for urological-prostate surgeries such as Radical Prostatectomy, Nephrectomy andgynaecological surgeries such as fibroids, endometriosis, hysterectomy etc. The advanced surgical procedure has better clinical outcomes compared to conventional surgeries as it ensures less blood loss, less pain, less scarring, shorter hospital stayand faster recovery.
Dr Swapna Misra, Director of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department, Fortis Mohali, who is also a Robotic Laparoscopic and Cancer Surgeon, recently treated a 67-year-old woman based in Shimla,through Robotic Surgery.

The Patient had reached menopause more than 15 years ago, but recentlyexperienced light bleeding (spotting) along with pelvic pressure and backache.She met Dr Misraat Fortis Mohaliand underwent uterus removal through Robotic Surgeryin June this year. She was discharged the following day. The Patienthas recovered completely and was able to resume her normal daily activities within a week of the surgery.
Discussing the case, Dr Misra, said, ‘“Almost all gynaecological surgeries — fibroids, endometriosis, vesico-vaginal fistula, ovarian cyst, salpingo-oophorectomy, myomectomy, hysterectomy and all cancers of the uterus, ovary and cervix – can be done through Robotic Surgery.”
Dr Manish Ahuja, Senior Urologist, Department of Urology, Robotic and Laparoscopic Surgery, Fortis Mohali, recently performed a high-risk, robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy.

A 63-year-old patient had frequent urination and was in extreme discomfort. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test showed that the patient’s serum levels were elevated. A biopsy revealed prostate cancer (Stage 1). To remove the tumour, Dr Ahuja and his team performed a Radical Prostatectomy through robot-assisted arms. The diseased gland was removed and the urinary bladder was stitched back to the urinary passage. The patient had a smooth post-operative recovery period and was discharged five days after his surgery.

Discussing the case, Dr Ahuja, said, “The prostate is the male reproductive gland which can enlarge due to hormonal changes after the age of 50. At times these enlargements can be cancerous in nature. However, if detected in time, the gland can be removed and the cure for cancer is achieved. Robotic Surgery is the latest form of minimal invasive surgery and provides a 3D view of the operative field via a special camera inserted into the body of the patient. Parts of the body which are difficult to reach with the human hand can be accessed through robot-assisted arms that can rotate 360 degrees.”