
Here’s why should must include lemon in your diet

March 28,2022.(Anuradha Kapoor)

Here’s why should must include lemon in your diet

Humans require vitamins to live a healthy life, particularly Vitamin C, which helps to improve our immune system. Our immune system defends us against a variety of diseases and microorganisms that try to damage us.

Lemon is the most popular ingredient, as it’s high in Vitamin C. Lemon is commonly used as a cleaning agent, as well as for industrial and therapeutic purposes.


The following are some of the advantages of lemon consumption:

· Cleaning our bodies: It aids in the removal of toxins from our bodies, which keeps our urinary tract in good shape.

· Lemon is high in Vitamin C, which helps to strengthen our immune system and is a good fighter against common colds. Potassium is abundant in them, which aids in the nourishment of our nervous system. Our body’s blood pressure can also be controlled with lemon.

· Drinking lemon water on a regular basis will help to remove acidity from the body.

· Balances the pH level in our bodies: Lemons are naturally acidic, but they become alkaline once digested and within the body.

· Clearer skin: The antioxidants in lemon help to reduce blemishes and wrinkles in our skin. Vitamin C, which helps to battle bacteria that cause acne and spots, also helps to rejuvenate our skin by purifying our blood, resulting in brighter, glowing skin. Lemon is also used to exfoliate the skin and remove tan. In ten days, putting one lemon to tanned skin before showering will make your skin fairer.

· Freshen our breath: Lemons are well-known for their ability to relieve toothache. Because citric acid can erode our enamel, brushing your teeth before drinking your warm lemon water in the morning is recommended.

· Optimal for eyesight: Aids in the maintenance of our vision and the prevention of eye diseases.

· Reduces caffeine intake: Almost all of us have a morning habit of drinking coffee, but switching to lemon water every morning can help us have a more relaxing morning due to its calming effect.

· Prevent viral infection: The most effective technique to combat viral infections is to drink warm lemon water, which soothes a sore throat.