
7 health benefits of performing yoga

7 health benefits of performing yoga

March 29,2022.(Anuradha Kapoor)

People opted to work out and burn calories at home by practising Yoga asan at times when gyms, amusement parks, and fitness parks were closed due to the Covid-19 issue. Yoga sessions began remotely in this digital era.

Yoga is beneficial to people of all ages in terms of both physical and mental health. Yoga can also be an important and beneficial element of your treatment if you’re sick, recuperating from surgery, or living with a chronic disease.

Here are some reasons why you should practise yoga:

· It provides strength, balance, and flexibility: Slow movements and deep breathing enhance blood flow and warm muscles, while holding a position increases body strength.

· It helps to prevent heart disease: Regular yoga practice can help to reduce stress and inflammation throughout the body, resulting in healthier hearts. Yoga can also help with certain conditions that cause heart disease, such as excessive blood pressure and obesity.

· It relieves back pain: Yoga is just as effective as stretching for relieving pain and reducing lower back pain. Yoga is recommended by the American College of Physicians as a suitable treatment for low back pain, according to reports.

· Ease arthritis symptoms: Gentle yoga has been demonstrated to help persons with arthritis cope with the agony of tender, swollen joints. It can help you walk without as much pain or suffering.


· Yoga helps you sleep better: It is true that a regular bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the appropriate frame of mind and prepare your body to go asleep and stay asleep for at least 7-8 hours. Even after practising pleasant asanas, you will have less nightmares.

· Yoga provides energy and brighter moods: You may notice a positive shift in mental and physical energy, an increase in alertness and excitement, and a reduction in negative feelings after establishing a daily yoga practice.

· Yoga aids stress relief: According to the National Institutes of Wellness, scientific data shows that yoga aids stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss, and sleep quality.